Where Do You Get Your News?

Jun 23, 2023

I don’t know about you, but I don’t watch the news. Does anyone still watch the news? I also don’t have a newspaper subscription, though we do buy them occasionally because my husband often has photos printed in the newspaper.

So where do I go for news? Here are my Top 3 favorite resources for staying “in the know”:

This is my go-to source for trusted information on specific topics. I follow their Instagram page, but they put everything on their website if you aren’t too active on Instagram. Their slogan is “Quick. Concise. Nonpartisan.” and their goal is to ensure that Americans (initially created for women) have access to trustworthy information that they can flip-through easily.

I like it because they dig in and really research the stories they talk about. They give you a summarized and easy to understand breakdown of the news story. It’s nonpartisan – which means they don’t lean toward one political group over another or only give you details that lean toward a certain agenda. Jenna, the founder of SmartHerNews, got me through COVID without anxiety. I highly recommend checking them out!

The Pour Over is bite-sized news that I get directly to my inbox. It doesn’t come daily, but at least 3-4 times a week I get an email with the big topic news. Their slogan is “The biggest news of the day, summarized in a way you’ll actually understand and enjoy, paired with brief Christian perspectives.” I like this option because it’s short and easy to read through, it comes to me (I don’t have to go look for it), and honestly – if I am not in the mindset to read the news – I don’t have to read it if I don’t feel like adding that extra information into my day. They also have a podcast option, where you can listen to everything in the email instead of reading through as well (I use this often)!

Our Local News / Facebook Page

As I mentioned, I don’t watch the local news, but I do follow our local news on Facebook and that’s where I go to find out what’s going on where I live.

So, where do you get your news?
Let me know in the comments!



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